Peatland Tales : The Power of Community in the Leyte Sab-a Basin Peatlands - The Philippines

Peatland Tales : The Power of Community in the Leyte Sab-a Basin Peatlands - The Philippines

InfoApr 4, 2023 - Apr 4, 2023


InfoData & Information, Business & Investment, Awareness & Advocacy



At around 3,000 hectares, the Leyte Sab-a Basin Peatlands plays a significant role as a carbon sink in the Philippines.
Unfortunately, almost 50% of the peatlands are heavily degraded due to forest fires, land conversion for agriculture, and poaching. Despite these challenges, local community associations and leaders have banded together to raise awareness and lead the way in restoration, and creating opportunities for sustainable livelihood options.
Among these dedicated leaders are Business Hub Cohort members, Jam Colas and Ronnie Villaber from The Peat by Wild Wild Pigs.


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