The second series of the Regional Peat Symposium 2022 is with the theme, “Livelihoods on Peat”.
This event will be running accordingly with the time zone GMT +8 (Malaysia, the Philippines).
15:00 - 15:15:
Introduction and Opening by the Host
People for Peat
15:15 - 15:45:
A PFP Business Hub Case Study: Combining Sustainability, Equity, and Profit on Peatlands
Dede Purwansyah, Pesona Kalbar Hijau
15:45 - 16:25:
Beje Aquaculture and its Significance to the Community in Tropical Peatlands
Pak Eko, Wetlands International Indonesia
16:25 – 16:55:
Panel Discussion and Q&A
Invited Speakers
16:55 – 17.00: